Winston Cheong

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Table of Contents

Research interests

My current focus is on AA_\infty-structures.

Other interests include:

Former interests include:

Publications and Preprints

  1. Winston Cheong, Alexander Doser, McKinley Gray, and Stephen F. Sawin. "Relationship of the Hennings and Witten-Reshetikhin-Turaev invariants for higher rank quantum groups." J. Knot Theory and Ramifications 2023 32:07. Preprint version: arXiv:1701.01423
  2. Daniel Bittner, Long Cheong, Dante Gates, and Hieu Nguyen. "New Approximations for the Area of the Mandelbrot Set." Involve, a Journal of Mathematics 10, no. 4 (March 7, 2017): 555–572. Preprint version: arXiv:1410.1212
  3. Hieu D. Nguyen and Long G. Cheong. "New Convolution Identities for Hypergeometric Bernoulli Polynomials." Journal of Number Theory 137 (April 1, 2014): 201–221. Preprint version: arXiv:1401.2970


  1. 2016 JMM poster session - "Relationship of the Hennings and Chern-Simons Invariant for Higher Rank Quantum Groups"
  2. 2015 Oct 26 - "The Hennings and Chern-Simons Witten Three-Manifold Invariants" (Rowan Mathematics Department Colloquium Series)
  3. 2015 Summer - "REU Topic: Invariants of 3-manifolds" slides
  4. 2014 Rowan STEM Symposium - Poster presentation "Converging on the Area of the Mandelbrot Set"
  5. 2013 Nov 20 - "Converging on the Area of the Mandelbrot set" (Rowan Mathematics Department Colloquium Series, joint presentation with Daniel Bittner) slides

Possibly useful things


Undergraduate students (Recitation Pages)

Graduate students